Saturday, July 21, 2012

Our RAGBRAI team!


  1. I am proud of you ladies! I think you are crazy but still I am proud! I love you Deb. Lots of other crazies out there! Be careful!

  2. You're going to have so much fun. :-)

  3. Thinking of all of you as you are also enduring the heat wave we are having. Seems it is usually very hot or raining on RAGRAI, but this heat is more than typical. Be safe, stay cool and have fun. Give me a call on your route Thurs and let's try and get together. You can come hang at my house in the air conditioning. :) Diane Lehmkuhl

  4. You Arizona girls will do just about anything to escape the Phoenix summer heat.
    Uncle Ray

  5. We were trying to escape the heat...but we were shocked when it was 104 on our 1st day of riding. The humidity is brutal!

    We are on day 3. The headwind was very strong today but we pushed through it.

    We have not been able to post pics and blog due to Verizon's lack of planning.

    Debbie...Team AZ girls

  6. You Arizona girls are amazing! Hard to imagine riding bikes in that kind of heat & so many miles! Be safe.
